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Archive for February, 2006

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Time to go!

Tuesday, February 28th, 2006

Well, it’s finally go time!!! I’ll be heading for the airport in a few hours. I am indeed starting to get nervous now. I was pretty calm and collected up until this point, but the thought of being in such a strange place, with no one else by my side is getting to me a bit….lol

Just giving a heads up – my cel. phone is no longer in service. I may get a number once I get there, however if you want to contact me you can reach me thru email.
Wish me luck!!!!

Mt. Apo

Thursday, February 9th, 2006

Mt. Apo

OK so here is the plan! I arrive in the Philippines on April 6, to meet up with a friend I’ve met. In the Filipino culture, they have a religious week they refer to as Holy Week, has something to do with the Catholic up bringing. So, the second week in April is there Holy Week, on this beginning day of Holy Week a bunch of people get together and converge at the base of Mt. Apo to make the several day journey to summit the top! I will be joining this group along with my new friend for the event. Check out my Mt. Apo link to view the details.Mt. Apo

3 weeks and counting

Monday, February 6th, 2006
Well, today is the 3 week mark on my countdown for my first trip anywhere outside North America, and this also marks my first step into the blogging world. I'm getting all my loose ends tied up, taking care of ... [Continue reading this entry]