BootsnAll Travel Network

i am 25 now

yep yep- i am back and i will tell you what is going on here. just a short resumee…
so last week our school yard caught fire and we were busy fighting the flames in stead of teaching. it was a massive bushfire which spread all over the surrounding hills and destroyed many houses and killed 2 people…we didn’t have any water so we were hitting the fire with branches…crazy! we saved our school, but as i said the dammage is huge.
we had some crazy parties over the last couple of days and i went crazy on saturday. we drove down to jeffrey’s bay over the week end and we really had a ball!
my birthday was cool…had a hangover though but in the evening i was feeling fine again and i went out with my “friends” from cintsa. we went to the local bar…i even got some very cute presents and cards from my family… i was veeery happy!

just a short message to let you know i am a live even though i am older…Thanks for all the kind messages and emails- i am so blessed to have friends like this!
big beso!


3 responses to “i am 25 now”

  1. Herbert says:

    Hallo Sonja
    I bi froh, dass Di Geburi Dir so guet gfalle het u dass wider emal aues klappt het, trotz em Kater uso….! Mir hei ou gfiret, leider ohni Di, aber mit Party-Filet u Pilzrisotto,mmmh!
    Morn bisch ja scho ei ganze Monet wäg, ungloublech wie d’Zyt vrgeit. Häb wyterhin e guety Zyt, mir skype de wider einsch, gäll?
    Ganz härzlechi Grüess u Gedanke us Bärn, wo’s wider einisch rägnet!

  2. franziska says:

    liebi sonja!nrdr herbert het mir itz grad di blog-link witergleitet – very interesting!! ig probiere, zwüsche mails u andere internet-verpflichtige zwüschine ine z luege… itz möchti dir aber bi dere glägeheit vor auem no zum geburi gratuliere!! best wishes to you!! ha chürzlech fest a die früechere brunch-fest im zehndermätteli dänkt, wo ig dert amne schöne summerabe es apéro gnosse ha..;)nrdir witerhin ganz e gueti zyt in südafrika!!!nrbig hug franziska

  3. Julia says:

    Hi Sonja!
    Nice to hear all these good news from you! I was a bit worríed wehne I first read the entries from you and I felt sorry, that you had to live in a cottage on your own! Chintsa is another, but beautiful world, isn’t it?nrThe voluteers are mostly crazy and really funny, so you will surely have a great time there! I was taken aback when I heard that there were fires and floodings in Chintsa! Is it still bad? Was the damage at Bulugha? nrnrHow is Anne?nrIs she fealing better now? And what about her operation? I think she was thinking about going to Durban to get a new lung! This operation seems to be very dangerous for the patient, because they almost have no experience in this kind of surgery!nrnrPlease say Hello to everybody from me!!nrAnd tell them, I will come to visit them again as soon as possible!!nrnrHave a good time and take care!nrnryours,nrnrJulia (Capetown!!!- 2010??)

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