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Archive for January, 2006

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Monday, January 30th, 2006

Hola a todos!! This week is been ok, not so many interesting things , but some very good news.
My mom is coming to see me!!!!!!! =) I´m so happy about it! She is coming to Europe to some fairs, but wasn´t coming to Spain. So what she did was to take two days off from work and stay for a weekend in Barceklona with me!!! She is arriving on the 8th of February and will leave on the 12th. It´s just a short time but I´m gonna take advantage of it as much as I can.
As for other news, I wasn´t able to finish the fast I was doing. I was already on the 8th day of fasting and I decided to eat an almond. Well the almond made my stomach go crazy and I just got SO anxious that I started eating EVERYTHING I found. I was supposed to start eating progressively, but I couldn´t. Well I still think that 8 day without eating anything is pretty good and for being the fisrt time I do it is great. Who knows I might do it again after the summer…

Aoife is coming to see me as well! She´ll be on the 25th of February and will leave on the 5th of march, I´m looking forward to that.

It´s been really cold around here in Cataluña!! The day before yesterday it snowed and everything, brrr. It´s not SO cold like (1.5 degrees) but it is if you think that this is Spain and not Germany or Sweeden, and that houses don´t really have a heating system. At home we just have three radiators, and that´s it, and I of course don´t have a proper winter jacket, although it´s ok 😉
I was gonna go to the mountains last Sunday, but the roads were closed because of the snow, we were gonna go to the Pyrenees, to a little town on top of the moutain, where there´s a really nice retaurant. We´ll try to go next Sunday, let´s just hope there´s not so much snow this time.

Ok got to go, i´ll leave you with some pictures of the lasts day I was strolling around the city and drinking bolivean beer with two friends, one that some of you should recognize

simon =)

Parque de la ciudadela

Parque de la ciudadela

Parque de la ciudadela

Arco del Triunfo

Arco del Triunfo

Las Meninas de Picasso

Las Meninas de Picasso

La playa de la Barceloneta

La playa de la Barceloneta

Traudel, Juan Pablo (Bol) y yo drinking bolivean beer

Traudel, Juan Pablo (Bol) y yo drinking bolivean beer “Paceña!!”Traudel


Juan Pablo

Juan Pablo

el Sombrero Vueltiao a todos laos!

el Sombrero Vueltiao a todos laos!

In a bar in

In a bar in “Gracia” a neighborhood full of bar and cafes, very nice

Last Thursday, Fede in the back, Paco, Riky and Sebas

Last Thursday, Fede in the back, Paco, Riky and Sebas

Jaunito (alimaña) and Fabricio (Ecu)

Jaunito (alimaña) and Fabricio (Ecuador)


Sunday, January 15th, 2006

Hello friends, it´s Sunday again!!! Yeah, that means DAY OFF!!!! Although I had yesterday´s morning off as well it´s always nice to have some spear time for myself =).
So everything´s going great, I went to the Picasso Museum yesterday, I think I was there six years ago when I came to Barcelona for the first time, but still, is amazing. You can see some very good paintings including “Las Meninas”, wich he painted “copying/changing” the one from Velasquez. Really nice, you can´t take a picture, but I did, jijiji.
Then went to “Las Ramblas” and took some more pictures, for a change. That´s a place where there is always something going on, it´s like it has a life of it´s own.
Today I´ll be once again a tourist, with my camera around my neck and my Sombrero Vueltiado. I think I´m gonna go to the “Fundación Miró” and then to the cinema to watch “Harry Potter”.
Aoife bought plane ticket to come here again!! She is arriving on the 25th of February and staying untill the 5th of March. It´s still a month and a half, but I sure it´ll fly very quickly, and she´ll be here soon.
I started a “ayuno” (that´s when you don´t eat anything) just drinking water and a mapple of a canadian tree and tropical plams. I feel very good by now and today is my fifth day of doing it. I´m plannig on doing it for ten days at least. Then after these days, I´ll start eating fruit and cooked vegetables for another week. I really heven´t been THAT hungry. Just the first day and half of the second. But it´s horrible to do it working in a restaurant, ´cause you smell and see all that food, and you just want to try it… But I´m feeling great and I recommend it to everyone, it´s goos to give the body a rest.

Alright chicos , hope you are all fien, best wishes to those Colombian who are going to start college soon and to those who are already studying or at exam time.

Kisses and hugs to everyone


2006, you are wellcome !!

Sunday, January 8th, 2006
Hello everybody!! first of all HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! I hope you all have a good year full of good things. It´s 3rd of January and I´ve had the most wonderful week of all. Aoife arrived on the 27th and from that ... [Continue reading this entry]