BootsnAll Travel Network

Buenos Aires, Argentina – Day 2

Today is a great day. For the first time on our trip we found an Internet Cafe with something faster than a dial-up connection and can now post a real entry.

As Shelly mentioned in the previous post, Nikki arrived in Buenos Aires yesterday and we celebrated her birthday in style. We spent the afternoon touring the Plaza de Mayo, which is home to most of the main government buildings. The picture below is Shelly and I in front of the Casa Rosa, which serves as the President´s house and the balcony where Evita stood.

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After going back to the room and cooling off a bit, we headed out for a night of Tango. For Nikki´s birthday we spent the evening watching Tango dancing at a local club. The dancing was amazing and it was one of the best parts of our trip so far. Now, though, I have a bigger problem… Shelly wants to take Tango lessons. My two left feet should be able to handle it, but we´ll see. The picture below is from last night´s club and notice the green shoes. Shelly picked up a blue neon pair yesterday and has her eye on some green ones today.

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Two days into our stay in Buenos Aires and we´re loving it. Everything here is so inexpensive and in most cases cheaper than Peru. As a comparison, a 1L bottle of beer is about $.80, a ham and cheese sandwich is $2, and a full steak dinner for two with a bottle of premium wine is about $15.

There is also so much to do that it´s going to be hard to pace ourselves. The people and their lifestyle is very laid back and they enjoy life. What´s not to like about a society that eats great steak, drinks fine wine, and Tangos into the early morning? We´ve been eating dinner around 11 p.m or 12 a.m. and the places are packed. It´s quiet the contrast from the U.S.


4 responses to “Buenos Aires, Argentina – Day 2”

  1. Christian Morsanutto says:

    Hi Shelly & Nate, I am going to follow your trip through your blog. So far you guys are doing great!!

    Two requests if possible – 1) give us full name and address of the cool hotels and restaurants you believe to be great so that if and when one goes to one of these places has an immediate point of reference and 2) More picture, more pictures.

    Have fun!!! I am jealous!!!

    Christian in CT (Shelly’s colleague)

  2. Kajsa says:

    OH MY GOSH, I can’t wait….don’t do all the good stuff before I get there!!!!!! And definintely don’t buy all the neon shoes!!

    See you on Saturday. Loves!

  3. Brynne says:

    I imagine you two just couldn’t be happier!! I am jealous that already you are getting visitors to come play with you–I want to come and dance!!
    Love the pics 🙂

  4. Kelcey says:

    Those shoes look HOT!! Are you taking any orders? 🙂 So exicted to vicariously follow you two through the world! Great to see you guys are having an awesome time! Happy travels from Memphis! (Nike DC audit = bbq and grits!)

    Take care and safe traveling!

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