BootsnAll Travel Network

Breaking News – Surgery in Greece

Really, it’s not my wine…

We interrupt your Turkey blog reading to bring you real-time news from Athens (our blog is usually a week behind our adventures).

In an unfortunate twist of fate, Brel have found themselves in a hospital in Athens, Greece. Mel has had surgery for an abscess on her tail-bone (not the sexiest of diseases or recovery by the way). The prognosis is good-but it does require us to spend 10 days here and miss half of our Greek Islands sailing trip.

As with all things Brel, there have been some interesting moments:

* Mel mistaking the IT Manager for the doctor and nearly dropping her drawers for him

* Mel attempting to take directions in Greek-and accidentally putting on multiple robes and paper panties on her head

* Mel waking up from the anesthetic convinced she had been unconscious for 7 years (and asking everyone if she was still alive)

* The constant “good lucks” from the Greek hospital staff – unnerving as we were kind of hoping to rely on expertise and not luck

And so, in the end, 24/7 travel for a year isn’t the biggest Brel test- it’s surgery in a foreign country, with Mel in significant pain and Brendan playing Florence Nightingale. Wish us luck!


2 Responses to “Breaking News – Surgery in Greece”

  1. Melanie Says:

    Ooh, Mel. I hope that you recover quickly and are able to continue on this amazing journey. Glad to read about your “good luck”, as you’ve made it through alive!!!!

  2. Sam Says:

    Glad to hear things worked out. Hope you get better soon!! remember the two claps.

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