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Archive for July, 2007

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Oz tidbits

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

I’m at the airport – waiting for customs to open up (which gave me time for brekkie at least). A couple of things I forgot to mention earlier;

On the way up to Cape Trib, we got the Rolf Harris songbook, including “tie me kangaroo down, mate”

I did see a kid playing with a boomerang on a beach.

When we got into harbor from the reef, we passed a replica 3-mast boat, which I could swear was a Golden Hinde replica (I should know at this point). However, there was a bizarre amount of security around it, so I couldn’t get close. One tour operator told me it was from the US and in for repairs for a couple of days and that no one was allowed near it.

There was a giant, weathered Capt. Cook statue on the outskirts of Cairns.

Some other fish I saw that I forgot included a school of what I dubbed “halloween fish”which were black with a small dot of orange on the side and 1 dot of white on the tail. I also saw a red parrot fish, and a cleaner fish station (that was awesome).

11:20am flight to Auckland. Hit customs, go through to Christchurch. Get in about 8pm. Have a backpacker’s booked. Tomorrow: explore town, check out the apartment, visit the temp people WHO NEVER WROTE ME BACK, even though I emailed them twice. Sheesh. Then I’ll probably print out some customer service resumes and hit the bookstores/coffee shops. I figure I should try something new. 😉 I’ve always wanted to work in a bookstore…

Oh – and I am missing my ipod like a physical pain (am I an addict or what?) It’s always worst on travel days.

Oh – and – I met a girl from SF last night (ok – actually from San Mateo, but has lived in SF and is moving back there in a few months from Portland, OR). That was exciting. We were able to talk about how much we loved the city and how we can’t wait to have our first apartments there.

A follow up to Oscar the cat

Tuesday, July 31st, 2007

After some simpsons (the 24-inspired ep. was very good) I got a mocha and wandered around downtown Cairns at night (full moon, bats and all). I’m not sure it has hit me that I’m leaving Australia.

All over coffee this week is not one of his absolute best, but it got me missing SF all the same.

Jon Carroll on magical thinking and Oscar the cat.

Brilliant bit; “Then there’s Oscar the cat, who seems to have an “uncanny knack of knowing when people are going to die.” Apparently he walks aloofly around the halls of the Providence, R.I., nursing home where he lives, and then settles down with a person who, only a few hours later, dies. Oscar somehow intuits the imminence of death and provides succor in these last hours – or so the story goes.

From the evidence, an equally viable theory is that Oscar kills people, but no one has mentioned that possibility.”

I love it. A murderous cat getting away with it. (Also – Do the residents know this about Oscar? Because maybe he just picks a bed and the person dies of fright.)

productive day, the reef, and comic-con wrap up

Monday, July 30th, 2007
I have been super productive today. I exchanged my HP7 for 2 Ngaio Marshes, mailed a package home, got my photos done, booked a hostel in CC, set up an appointment to see the aprtment, booked my airport shuttle, and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Bobbing along, on the bottom of the beautiful briny sea…

Monday, July 30th, 2007
I went diving! And snorkeling. And it was INCREDIBLE!! And I was going to post all about it, but after several hours of swimmin around (not to mention being up at the crack of dawn), I am now super-tired, and ... [Continue reading this entry]

Quick note

Saturday, July 28th, 2007
I'm going out to the reef tomorrow! Running errands today (underwater camera, reconfirm flight, etc.). I can't believe its almost time for me to go to New Zealand. WHEEE! I forgot if I mentioned yesterday that I got a stinger ... [Continue reading this entry]

I know it’s a lot of posting

Friday, July 27th, 2007
I can't help it; its deathly hallows time and comic con all at once. It's a lot to cover. (Read: cover while UPLOADING NEW PHOTOS!!! When was the last time I did that, huh? nearly 2 months ago? The hard ... [Continue reading this entry]

He’s not Spider-Pig anymore, he’s Harry Plopper

Friday, July 27th, 2007
Spent yesterday contacting people about apartments (I think I've figured out which neighborhoods to look at in CC), catching up on the news (by which I mean casting, obviously), and contacting the temp people again. I was productive. Really. I also ... [Continue reading this entry]

Entertainment catch-up

Thursday, July 26th, 2007
Oh my god - my engaged friend has an engagement website. That's so hipster - I - I don't even know. Power Outages In San Francisco Bring Down ... [Continue reading this entry]

Drop Bear attack!

Thursday, July 26th, 2007
(This title narrowly beat out Cassowary attack! and Croc Attack! For more on drop bears: hmm... well I was going to post a link to Indie tits (Nov, '05). But the site seems to be down? What's up with that? ... [Continue reading this entry]

“Utterly fanTABulous word, huh?”

Sunday, July 22nd, 2007
I finished the 3rd Ngaio Marsh. About 30 pages in I picked my killer; the little old religious lady, Mrs. Wade. Around page 60, the head inspector says, well, if this was an Agatha Christie, it'd be Mrs. Wade. Huh ... [Continue reading this entry]