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Archive for December, 2005

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South Island Part III: Queenstown Stories and VISUALS

Monday, December 26th, 2005

Bus drivers, Museums, Bungy, and a scenic bike-ride

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Summer in Europe Itinerary

Thursday, December 22nd, 2005

James Blunt was playing on the radio two days ago… two different stations… and it made me so happy! James Blunt has finally hit America!

I’ve been back a month and I still occassionally use the New Zealand spellings, the English inflections, and the Aussie vocabulary that I picked up while traveling. I still say, “cheers, mate, sweet as, where are the toilets?, no worries, university, hostel, flat, queue, pub, pissed, etc.”

I still have four more posts left to write, the pictures are already uploaded and linked, I just need to write the dang things. I promise it will happen, but between trying to bring my funds up out of the red zone, while still planning this coming semester in New York, and a summer-long Europe trip, I have little time for writing.

So here’s my general updated itinerary for this coming summer. It’s a lot shorter than originally planned, but you can be guaranteed I will have new adventures to share, new boys to tease, and new languages to speak:

May 13 – Aug 25

Paris (with NYU friends)
London (with NYU friends)
(some of these cities, as I have met at least one person from each: Oxford, Birmingham, Manchester, Doncaster, Northampton, New Castle)
(other parts of Spain, Portugal, and Morocco)
Greece and Turkey
Germany, especially in the South (promised I’d visit friends)
Copenhagen and maybe more of Denmark (promised I’d visit friends)
Stockholm and maybe more of Sweden (promised I’d visit friends)

Hopefully next summer I’ll get to see all the places I missed, such as all of Eastern and Central Europe.

South Island Part II: Arthur’s Pass, Hokitika, Fox Glacier Stories and VISUALS

Tuesday, December 13th, 2005
It's been a while since I last updated, and things are getting all out of order, but I'm doing my best to put up the last of the photos and stories (there are about 6 posts worth left to publish). So, ... [Continue reading this entry]

Last Day in Bangkok STORIES & VISUALS

Thursday, December 1st, 2005
My last day in Bangkok, I wasn't entirely unhappy to leave. I'll admit it. I was ready to get home. I pretty much just spent the day walking around, then sitting outside a Bon Pan at the Central shopping mall ... [Continue reading this entry]

Seoul Stories WITH Visuals this time

Thursday, December 1st, 2005
Alright, so where did I leave off...? My flight from Seoul on Korean Air was long, but not unbearable. It was the first of a pair of nights I would be spending on airplanes. I managed to sleep during a good ... [Continue reading this entry]