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October 13, 2005

Mutiny at the 7-11

5:30 AM - Wake up, go to work, teach.
11:00 AM - Get off work, eat, go home, sleep.
3:30 PM - Wake up, eat, go to work, teach.
9:30 PM - Get off work, go home, eat, sleep.

That is my life. The "split schedule" as the office calls it, is taking it's toll on me. All of my time not at the office is spent sleeping. I work for six hours straight on Saturdays too, no break unless a student is absent. I made the mistake of going out last Saturday night. My only day off was spent sleeping all day and then NOT being able to go to sleep Sunday night in preparation for my early Monday morning alarm.

But... no complaints. I mean, that's what I'm here for, right? It would be terrible if I didn't love the job so much. It's really that great.

In between that last 9:30 PM "get off work" and "go home" stretch, I religously stop off at a 7-11 and get a snack..... cookies, milk, steamed bun, kimbap (rice snack), whatever. Anyway, the other night I couldn't decide what I wanted and I was looking around and came across a bag of peanuts. The outside looked like a potato chip bag, but there were peanuts on the front. The odd thing was that there was a picture of a happy, smiling squid with one of it's tenticles outstretched and wrapped around one of the peanuts.
Squid-covered peanuts?????
Can it be?
I don't even want to know (shudder).

Posted by Erin on October 13, 2005 12:34 AM
Category: 22 Korea

Exploring still... I knew it all would work out for you. Good to hear you are enjoying your continued adventures.

Posted by: Royce on October 13, 2005 10:37 AM
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