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August 04, 2004

Goodbye, Hangzhou

Well, this is it. I'm leaving tomorrow morning at 6 am for Pu Dong Airport. I will actually arrive in San Francisco earlier than my plane leaves. I have a feeling that will be only the beginning of the bizzare things I will encounter back home.

I feel like I didn't say much of a good-bye to Hangzhou this past week -- mainly because it's so hot here. There are plenty of bugs hanging out around these parts, including cicadas the size of a kitten. So I have to admit that I've spent more time in my air conditioned apartment than I should have.

Today I had one last bowl of noodles at my favorite muslim noodle place. It's really just a hole in the wall, but when I came back from traveling, I couldn't believe it, they put doors on their hole in the wall and purchased an air conditioner. Such a drastic change! I was only gone for six or seven weeks!

There was a cute little boy at the shop who stared at me and Joan while we ate lunch. (Although he looks a little cross-eyed in this photo.)

It's hard for me at this moment to really decide how much of an impact living in Hangzhou has had on me. I'm sure when I get back, I'll realize, bit by bit, just how much China has changed me. Or perhaps it hasn't. I'll just have to wait and see.

Posted by Christina on August 4, 2004 10:43 PM
Category: Hangzhou

I am a friend of leylop. Although you already left Hangzhou (what a pity!), I would like to ask you if you know any English native speaker willing to be my tutor (just conversation practice).
I'm Spanish and live near Hubin Lu.
Thank you.


Posted by: Leticia on August 5, 2004 09:53 PM
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